Many patients that we treat come to us seeking relief from hip pain. It can be caused by a number of issues, ranging from injuries to arthritis. Did you know that hip pain can even be caused by your feet? Foot Levelers custom-made stabilizing orthotics might be able to help!
Chiropractic Care for Asthma Relief
The Centers for Disease Control reports that asthma affects about every 1 in 13 individuals. Asthma is also the leading cause for chronic disease in children, and is one of the top reasons for school absences. Asthma causes over 2 million emergency room visits per year, and the average stay for over night hospital stays is over three days. When so many people are suffering from asthma, the chances are high that you or someone you know suffers from asthma. So, can chiropractic help?
The Importance of Proper Posture
There are some pieces of advice that our mothers said that were better than others. No, maybe your face won't freeze like that. But she was right when she told you to sit up straight. In today's society, many of us spend the majority of our day working sedentary jobs, requiring us to sit for hours at a time. Even if you don't spend a lot of time sitting, proper posture is important. In fact, your spine's health depends on it!
The Under-Appreciated Cervical Spine
With so many parts to the human body, it's easy for some of them to slip beneath the radar. The cervical spine, or the upper seven of our vertebrae, is among the most under-appreciated and also most vital parts of our body. The cervical spine has 37 separate joints that allow the head and neck to move atop the torso – all while following a constant stream of commands from the reflex mechanisms and special senses.
Love Your Spine!
Valentine’s Day is here, and it is a day to shower your significant other with love and affection. We do this through anything from grand romantic gestures to cards, candy, and flowers. Millions of dollars are spent on this day alone throughout the United States. Well, this year we challenge you to show an equal amount of love to your spine with these suggestions.
Hip Pain and Chiropractic
Chiropractic for Muscle Spasms
Have you ever strained to reach something up high, or bent down low to pick something up off the ground, and all of a sudden it feels as if your whole back has wrenched up due to a muscle spasm? We feel your pain! You were simply trying get something just out of reach, and now you feel like you can't even move. How can such a simple task result in such excruciating pain?
Is Your Posture Affecting Your Mood?
Do you check the way you are sitting or standing during the course of the day? Are you making sure your weight is evenly distributed, or are you leaning more weight on one leg? You might not realize just how much your posture affects you, especially when it comes to your mood. A number of studies have shown that good posture can directly affect your mood in a positive way, and eliminate stress.
"Very pleased with the practice. The service is excellent and everyone seems to truly care about you as a person first. Most businesses see customers or money walking in, but these practitioners love what they do. It shows."
- Patty Uzar